Becco Industrial S.A. de C.V.

Who we are?

General Direction: Engineer Jorge Pastrana Benítez

General Management: C.P. Luis Vargas Benítez

Management of Plant: Engineer José Luis Medina

Administrative Management: C.P. Jesus Ramírez Romero

Management of Sales: Engineer Pedro Benitez Avilés

Our mission

To stay in the preferences of the current national clients and foreigners our company is 100% Mexican, and produces suppliers for the industries of paintings and inks, coatings, cosmetics, balanced allowances and petrochemistry. At the same time to look for solid and sustained  growth in the market. The above-mentioned is based in a working healthy atmosphere, with the continuous training of each one of our collaborators, in the capacity to provide products and services in quantity and quality, and mainly, offering the preservation of the environment, and mainly in our customers satisfaction. 

San Borja No. 613, 3er piso, Col. del Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, 03100 México, D.F. 
Phones: (55) 5559-6213, (55) 5559-6216, (55) 5559-6218, (55) 5559-6345, 
Fax: (55) 5559-5203 

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